I love surprises. Although the world’s huge problems and my personal challenges try to steal my peace and destroy my quality of life, I have found that tucked away in each day are neat surprises, little events that bring me joy when I take time to focus on them.
One of the most impactful little events was on an ordinary Saturday morning thirteen years ago when I was pursuing one of my passions.
We all have weekend passions. For some, it is sports or movies or eating out. For others, like me, it is sailing. My sailing, although not upscale, is specialized for I delight in yard sailing. Friends call me “the yard sale queen.” This hobby satisfies many needs–shopping, finding bargains, being outdoors, and even getting some walking exercise in there.
On June 18 I was tootling around town checking out sales, and I began to wonder if I should be enjoying this pastime so much. So I pulled up to a stop sign and just asked, “God, I have so much fun doing this. Is it okay with you?”
I looked down at the digital clock on my car dash and it read 10:10. I immediately sensed God’s answer as I spoke outloud John 10:10. Jesus says, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.” (Amplified)
I sense God was whispering to me, “Sure, it is okay. Have fun. Enjoy life.” Feeling God’s delight was my special surprise for the day. I didn’t know that John 10:10 would become my life verse and impact me so often and I found myself I glancing up at a clock at exactly 10:10, sometimes am, sometimes pm, but regularly like clockwork. The 10:10 message resonates within and spurs me to grin and say, “Thank you, Jesus for the simple joys you give. Though the devil tries to steal, kill, and destroy the good things in my life, You give me an abundant life, full and overflowing, just like You promised.”
The day the message first appeared, I also scored at a yard sale when I found a porch glider we affectionately dubbed “the glory glider.” (I had been asking my husband Don to buy me one since Mother’s Day and had just reverted to asking God for one instead.) I paid $15 for it as it needed TLC which the grandkids willingly gave it with scrub brushes. We painted it and Don even engraved “the glory glider” in the wood. This glider became the on-stage centerpiece at the first Women’s Conference I spoke at, as an illustration to over 500 women of how God can restore our worn, ragged lives into a joyful life that reflects His glory.
This was the beginning of many years of being delighted and surprised by God in small ways at yard sales even though I rarely go any more. This past weekend I went to a store and bought a pair of much needed black capris but decided later to return them as they weren’t what I really was looking for. Then I went sailing Saturday and found exactly the capris I wanted for $1 (along with a nice new top.) Little things? Yes. I am learning to delight in the little things. Abundant life? You bet. I’m learning that it is focusing on the little things that often gives me the abundant life, a gift from a loving Father who enjoys life with me. 10:10