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How About You ?

Warm and sunny — sounds good to me❣️ How about you? 

We like to visit sunny Texas in the winter to enjoy our daughter Jenny and her family, not to mention escaping the cold for a few weeks. This morning as I sat looking out at our 11° day in IL, I saw a picture of how “going down south” was looking for us this winter.

I swiveled my chair to the south  and snapped a shot of our sunroom. Hmmm, perhaps “down south” is only a few steps down and a few feet south. Looking further, I could see the cold outdoors.

So I swiveled my chair to the southwest to picture the warmth of Texas in our fireplace.


Don had just left his recliner (two feet in front of the fire) meditating and rejoicing as the room soared to a Texas toasty 77°.  Then he put on his longjohns (and in his words “all the clothes I could find”) and headed to Springfield with 3 friends to pass out packs of new socks to the homeless.  While being out in 11° will be cold, unlike the homeless, Don will return to our warm home. Tonight he will be joyful, humble, and thankful to God.

How about you?

I sensed God showing me that these two photos also depict what it looks like to be closely connected to Jesus. Inside, we experience calming peace as we relax in the warming love of His Presence, confident He is right there to help us through anything.

Yet, outside, we are surrounded by a world that is often bitterly cold, and we get pounded by biting winds as we face stormy troubles, some fierce, even life-threatening.

As usual, Don and I are facing trials in our little world with our tribe of friends and family.

How about you? 

Do you know anyone who isn’t? Such is the human condition. Here’s what Jesus said:

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

He also said, “I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”                    John 14:2

So as the busy bustle of life crowds in on me, I am learning to cry out to One who gives me the priceless gift that lasts—His peace.

I stop in the messy middle of trials to praise Him for who He is, thank Him for 5-10 blessings, and ask for His help in the trial. I invite Him to fill me with His Presence and peace.

Then I expectantly go about my daily life while looking for Jesus to fulfill this promise as I choose to trust Him.

How about you?

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